A Girlfriends Getaway

Taking time away with girlfriends is a dream for most, but my friend Tia Simms easily lays out the groundwork in this fantastic blog post on GoRVing. She created the perfect weekend camping trip with perfect ground work ideas. She was honest with her comfort level when towing and setting up camp and with her guests levels of comfort.

Photo courtesy of Tia Simms and GoRving

Take a peek inside the adventure she had with two very important women in her life. Take a page from her planning book but above all, relax and have fun. So many times we schedule every moment of the day when our goal was to just relax and have fun, I am guilty of creating an itinerary that seems laid back only to realize I put too much on the go see this list.

Time at the campfire with girlfriends creates lasting memories. 

You camp with girlfriends to reconnect, disconnect from the world, give your soul a second to breathe and unwind. Tia made sure that her experience would be something to revisit time and time again with her girlfriends, and I’m certain you will too.

Food is always the way to begin and end the perfect girlfriends weekend. Here is the link to the article, enjoy.

Cook great memories,

Kate Dunbar
Article Supplied by: GIRLCAMPER.COM
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